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Showing posts from September, 2016

FrOzEn ThOuGhTs!

"Send in your best written work up until now", read the mail. She looked up into the heavens, looking back in time, to all that she has ever written. All along wondering, if good was good enough... Then it struck her! Her best work.. yeah..gotcha! But then.. she has never penned it down or typed it up!  It was her thoughts that remain frozen in mid-air and at those erratic moments , that occurred while glancing at those random strangers.., or passing through those familiar pathways.., while waiting for someone to join her.., or when she is hurrying to be on time for a meeting that has already begun..., while showering.., or while lazing around in her pajamas in bedroom.., while she is immersed in a conversation with her friends..., or having a 'Me- Moment' and gazing through the window grills.., while having her early morning blues.., or in the middle of her late-night-outs ! She felt like, they happened to her, like love- It doesn't happen when you l...