PROLOGUE: When I was sharing my blog in one of those Whatsapp groups (street friends'group- the primary usage of which is to pull each other's legs), the following conversation came up. Sai: Hey! Look @ Maha, writing blog and all ! @ Ash- Even you are quite good at English and update nice and lengthy statuses on FB. Why don't you also start your blog? (My mind voice : Seriously ? If you get a lot of likes on your statuses , you get qualified to write articles and start a blog? Great! Let's see how Ash responds!) Ash: Blog is for vetti people da (no offence) . I have a photography page , there are enough fans right now! (@ this point I am unable to hold it anymore ) Me : And about writers being perceived as "vetti". Stay tuned to my blog.. To get an answer Ash: Dare not, make a post outta my idea! Me : Don't worry will give you due credits! But when it comes to general misconception I guess I have a moral obligation to clarify...