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A shift in Phase

A shift in Phase "What does not respond, get decayed.." Change is inevitable... One can react to it and exist, by default.. Or.. One can respond to it and stay alive, by design.. For a better design, I have migrated to Wordpress and here is the link, to catch me if you can : " Nothing But Original - Free thinker - Wordpress " Stay alive..! Stay blissful!
Recent posts

Bitter Pills & Cotton Candies

Life is a jar of bitter pills and cotton candies (if you are not a fan of cotton candies, well.. just replace it with whatever you like). We want only those candies but we know the pills are there and eventually we will be made to swallow them. So, we have somehow made peace with that fact, at least that's what we keep telling ourselves before uttering those silent prayers for the pills to vanish. We know that sometimes awful stuff happen to us, we just need to get through those tough times and go ahead. We keep telling ourselves that the next in line is a cotton candy, so no need to worry..This way life is kept simple, manageable and even worthy. So what's the problem with that? It's delusional. For those who thought that swallowing the pills was the hard part, here is some news to digest... The word bitter was well chosen, but the word pill was definitely misleading. It suggested us that the bitter pills are few in number when compared to the candies and we would ...

This too shall pass by..

In the place of moments, memories reside. That's the pace of life's stride.. Dark nights break into mornings so bright.. Hearts weighed down get healed and light.. Even the best of flowers wither.. When the autumn's winds gather.. The people that the heart yearns forever to stay.. Will grow apart and march on their own way.. The transition might sound grim Yet, in life only it is firm.. At the end, it's your deeds that stand by.. While everything else passes by.. Maha

A twist in the tale!

Below is an excerpt from a conversation between a stupid young girl, and a wise old guy : "She : So what would you call a turning point in your life? He : I have had so many turning points in life. Primarily one, when I was in London in my B school, which I have told you about. But these days I feel like am changing a lot.. I am having lots of turning points... Am not the same person that I was, at the start of this ride... I look back to my self a few days back, a few hours back and even a few minutes back and laugh of how I had been.. I am changing at a higher frequency.. She :  Hmmm.. Yeah we all keep changing all the time right? We all have times when we look back and think how weird we had been.." End of that line of conversation.. She understood his words.. cooked up a smart reply too.. for she was the know-it-all.. But she never realized it.. Funny part was.. She didn't realize that she didn't realize his words! Fast forward, a few months.. The young...

Venture into the dark!

Immersed in the world of possibles, don't lose out on a world of impossibes! Possibility is yet another perception! Mind is a master in deception! If you stay limited by your thoughts, you are sure to fall short! If only what is known is seeked, true treasure will remain sealed! Take on a journey to the unknown; in the suspense and thrill, you will stay drowned.. Refrain not from what seems dark to your sight! March forward and be your own light! Remember, It's not about the courage of taking the first step.. It's about making it to the last step.. And then beyond.. Refrain not from what seems dark to your sight! March forward and be your own light! P.S : I surprised myself today by deciding to write a blogpost! And surprised my surprise by writing something radically different from what I intended to write in the first place! Don't wait for life to surprise you. Keep surprising life! And yourself! :)

A DaNcE In ThE StOrM !

The 'Vardha' effect! My words went into a toss, thanks to the chaos! Leaves on the ground, lay scattered.. Clouds in the sky, remain gathered..  Mundane plans of the day, shattered… The storm calls us out as a dare, Whilst the winds show the power of the air.. Coz in love and war, everything is fair! Restlessness and clatter, in every direction we gaze, For it's apparent, the weather picking up pace.. Reminding us of our familiar, trivial rat race… Nature wanders… Breaking windows and fragile hearts… Pouring down rains, hitting us like vodka shots.. Bringing our nonsenses to a stop and giving us fresh starts… Perfect time to refrain from being calm! Let's feel beyond our human form, As our souls dance in the storm!

மாயையினுள்ளே மயங்கி...!

நிஜமான அன்புடன் இரங்கல் செய்வோர், போலி புலம்பல்களுள்ளே  சிக்கித் தவிப்பதை பார்த்ததும் தோன்றியது.... தேசத் தந்தையின் முகம் பார்க்க  தேனிக்கூடென சேர்த்த கோடிகள் ! பெரியாருக்கு மாலையிட்டுவிட்டு  பெருந்திரளாய் கூட்டம் ஜோசியன் வாயிலில் ! கலாமின் கனவுகளை நினைவாக்க  கண்மணிகள் மூழ்கினர் முகப்புத்தகத்தில் ! 'அம்மா'வின் மரணம்  அலைஅலையாய்  போலிக்கண்ணீர் ! மலர்வளையங்களில் மட்டுமே மரியாதை ! அழுகையால் மட்டுமே அஞ்சலி ! கண்ணியமிலா கதறல் ! நாடகம் தான் இரங்கல் ! மாண்டோருடன் மறங்களும் , மண்ணுள்ளே மக்கிக் கிடக்கையில்... மாயத்தோற்றங்களால் ஆன குறும்படம்  மக்களின் மனத்திரையில் !