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Bitter Pills & Cotton Candies

Life is a jar of bitter pills and cotton candies (if you are not a fan of cotton candies, well.. just replace it with whatever you like). We want only those candies but we know the pills are there and eventually we will be made to swallow them. So, we have somehow made peace with that fact, at least that's what we keep telling ourselves before uttering those silent prayers for the pills to vanish. We know that sometimes awful stuff happen to us, we just need to get through those tough times and go ahead. We keep telling ourselves that the next in line is a cotton candy, so no need to worry..This way life is kept simple, manageable and even worthy. So what's the problem with that? It's delusional.

For those who thought that swallowing the pills was the hard part, here is some news to digest...
The word bitter was well chosen, but the word pill was definitely misleading. It suggested us that the bitter pills are few in number when compared to the candies and we would be required to consume them from time to time, for our own good.. But the fact is they are also like candies, when it comes to quantity. In fact, we must be prepared to receive more bitter pills than the cotton candies.. And the interesting part is not all bitter pills are hard to digest.. If we ask ourselves, what are the bitter pills that life has forced down our throats, we will start listing down the tragedies (if any) that had befallen us.. What about missing the outing with friends for completing that presentation? What about having to wake up early to pick up in-laws from the airport? What about staying out all night to pass the exam next day? What about the countless, silly stuff that are so hateful , yet we cursed and did them all? Surely those are bitter. And they are pills. Coz they were taken, for the 'greater good'. So, the pills are all not equisized. Likewise are the candies.

Now, why should we have a better understanding of these bitter pills? What if the jar has too many candies or too many pills? We are gonna eat them all anyway right? Actually, here is the magic.. If we just choose to have so many small bitter pills again and again, the jar will eventually gift us the biggest and sweetest candy! Yeah, day in and day out, if we choose to put in hours of practice, eventually we would be on the way to excellence. It sounds easy, but be assured it is much more difficult than swallowing one big pill! One has to chew the small bitter pills - wake up early, miss that favorite icecream, work-out, do math, go in early to office, be on-time, tuck in the child in the middle of the night, make coffee for the son who is up late and working, give up smoking, and be able to do these again and again, again and again, until (sometimes even after) we pass the exam , or get the promotion, be the #1 manager in a company, be the best dad/mom/ spouse in the world! And the hardest part is, we may not have noticed it so far, but it only works if we do not miss the pill every single time! And every time, we try to cheat the jar, we are back to ground zero! And we have to start counting the bitter pills from 1..
It's like building a house of cards.. We build with one card at a time.. But when it falls, it collapses all at once.. Yet, the important point is the house of cards is worth building and the sweetest, biggest candy is worth the effort..
And maybe, just maybe, with persistence, we might even begin to change our perception about bitter.. And it will all be for better...


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