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Disclaimer: This post is not intended to hurt the feelings of any individual / group and is not directed at any particular individual / group. And the views expressed here are generic and there are bound to be exceptions.

It is no surprise that a radical girl be a feminist. Right?
As a matter of fact, I am not proud of being one, but I will be proud to be a part of a society where Feminism is unnecessary.

Why am I now telling the world am a feminist now? I have my own reasons.
I found the following message being circulated on Whatsapp, and when you read it you will find my reason :

"A heart touching message..... by a woman..."
Some one asked her.......Are you a working woman or a house-wife ??
She replied : Yes I am a full time working house-wife.
I work 24 hours a day.....I'm a "mum", I'm a wife, I'm a daughter, I'm a daughter-in-law.....I'm an Alarm clock, I'm a Cook, I'm a Maid, I'm a Teacher, I'm a waiter, I'm a nanny, I'm a nurse, I'm a handyman, I'm a Security officer, I'm a Counsellor, I'm a comforter, I don't get holidays, I don't get sick leave, I don't get day off......
I work through day and night.....
I'm on call......all hours and get paid with a sentence.....
"what do you do all day"

Dedicated to all women😘😊
👌🍃Woman has the most unique character like salt
Her presence is never remembered but Her absence makes all the things tasteless !!🐾👍
Pass it to all the lovely ladies.....your Mother. .....your Wife......your daughter ...your sister.....your friend😊"

My reaction : One word - BULLSHIT !!!
Surprised?  Not yet? Go on...

I think it is really shrewd of men to honor their hardworking ladies by beautiful poems, posts and forwards! And the funniest part is majority of women do fall for it! (Yeah! The one who sent this to me is a housewife!)
The lady toils 24*7, without complaints for you to say "I love you"! Argh! Man aren't you a selfish b*****d to lie like that?? What sort of person will want their loved one to sacrifice for him/her? Any guesses? Let me tell you- A SELFISH PERSON !
Now do I think none should be housewife and all women should work? No! It is a choice that every lady has to make for herself in life! It is not a default option, for men to make for them! And even if women do work, the "some household works" are meant for women only!

One thing that is despicable here, more than the inequality itself is how "love" is used as euphemism here! I really can't buy that "sacrifice is part of love" story! No! It most definitely is not! Love is not expecting the person to sacrifice for one-self! And not letting them to! If you can accept a person as they are (no matter what) , then it is love.. But if you like him / her, as long as he/she is like 'this' and 'does that' , it is being conveniently selfish!

Now let me simplify it with examples.

Example 1:  If a man loves his wife, will he watch her 'sacrifice' her 'career' for 'their' 'family' ? No! He WOULD NOT LET HER LOSE HER IDENTITY and help her support both, her career and their family!

Example 2: What would a self-respecting female expect out of marriage? A 'richie-rich husband' to satisfy 'her shopping needs'? Someone who would pamper her? No!! Someone who would respect her and live with her! (mind you, not for her)

This is not what happens in our society. Is it? It baffles me how illogical this 'society' can be!
If you love someone, how can you want anything at the cost of their happiness? And I am happy to break it to you- that NO ONE IS COMPLETELY HAPPY ABOUT SACRIFICING! (At this point, a few 'intelligent men' will bring in motherhood! Am ineligible to venture into that topic! Regret the inconvenience! But I guess even if I were to imagine myself as a mom, if it was possible for my child to be happy without me having to lose my share of pie.. I would be happier!)
Now retracing to the topic of 'inequality'. I see, understand and appreciate  the differences between the 2 genders (Please let's take up transgenders on another occasion). I realize that men and women are differently skilled in some aspects and that is natural. But what I can't comprehend  is how can one consider one gender to be superior over the other?
Am trying to logically understand if it can be true. 
Let's assume that men are superior to women and a man thereby has the right to dictate a woman's life.
Now the premises (and the questions that they lead to) for this assumption could be:
  1. Men are superior coz they can't get pregnant - Really? Isn't it an inability? and thereby a weakness?
  2. Men are superior coz they are physically stronger (at least on an average)- then how are humans any different from animals? In the forest , it is the survival of the 'fittest'. If it is the same in the city.. I do not see how civilized humans are!
  3. Men are superior coz they can walk naked on the streets ( Seriously some people have offered me similar opinions which directly / indirectly imply this ) - heard of cave men and Neanderthals? The words ring any bells? Looks like we have evolved backwards from then, regarding gender equality.
  4. Men are superior coz they can rape- Hands down! I don't have a retort!  
Now the assumption could be true only if premise 4 is true! And if that is the case, I better run for my life for having breached upon my rights as a girl!


  1. Men must stop idolizing women and push us to make sacrifices. They can rather help and reduce the sacrifice we make. I don't understand why you don't want to be a feminist. Its a not ugly term , you can proudly call yourself a feminist. Feminism is human rights.

    1. Bharathi I do now wish to be a feminist coz I don't like the idea of it's necessity.. Feminism is not an ugly term , it's just one of the most misused terms.. It's not about tilting the scales to the other side. It's about keeping the scales balanced and neutral. Further balance is not about equality , it's about equity. Either way, tags matter far less than what they represent. So does it really matter if I call myself a feminist?


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