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Dear Fellas!

First of all my sincere apologies for abandoning my niche for quite sometime.. Didn't realize that I had been away for almost an year! until now!
Secondly, if anyone was concerned and bothered to knock this door- Thank you! :) Next time you won't be disappointed!
It's been a while since we heard from each other! ;) And it's good to be back!
And for those who thought they were better off, without me annoying  them.. I regret having given you the temporary pleasure! ;) :)

Now, for those who were wondering why I absconded the blog.. What can I say? Laziness... obviously! ;( (Wouldn't you guys slay me, if I told I were busy? :p) And on my defense, I thought I had to know more before I can talk more.. And obviously I didn't want to write about stuff when I haven't even made up my mind on  what stand to take! Also gain more experience, expertise and maturity!

Ok! I know what the obvious question will be, at this juncture.. "Have you become more knowledgeable, experienced, matured and an expert?" Frankly, I do not know. But what I do know is I know more than what I once knew and less than what I will know, I am experienced when compared to what I was and inexperienced when compared to what I will be, I am matured enough to realize that I was immature in the past and I will be more matured in the future, and as far as expertise is considered I have realized that am more of a "jack-of-all-trades" person and less of a "master-of-the-game" person.

So, with a satisfactory explanation (hope it was.. u can always write to me if it wasn't) about the past, we march into the future!  Let's hope history wouldn't repeat itself!

P.S: Beware! If anything I guess I have grown more philosophical and radical than ever! (Didn't think it was possible right?? ;) Me too! )


  1. Good come back .... Hoping for more blog :) ;) ,ya ur little philosophical but ,wat u said is reality that's happening :) ,good to read :)


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