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Showing posts from 2016

A DaNcE In ThE StOrM !

The 'Vardha' effect! My words went into a toss, thanks to the chaos! Leaves on the ground, lay scattered.. Clouds in the sky, remain gathered..  Mundane plans of the day, shattered… The storm calls us out as a dare, Whilst the winds show the power of the air.. Coz in love and war, everything is fair! Restlessness and clatter, in every direction we gaze, For it's apparent, the weather picking up pace.. Reminding us of our familiar, trivial rat race… Nature wanders… Breaking windows and fragile hearts… Pouring down rains, hitting us like vodka shots.. Bringing our nonsenses to a stop and giving us fresh starts… Perfect time to refrain from being calm! Let's feel beyond our human form, As our souls dance in the storm!

மாயையினுள்ளே மயங்கி...!

நிஜமான அன்புடன் இரங்கல் செய்வோர், போலி புலம்பல்களுள்ளே  சிக்கித் தவிப்பதை பார்த்ததும் தோன்றியது.... தேசத் தந்தையின் முகம் பார்க்க  தேனிக்கூடென சேர்த்த கோடிகள் ! பெரியாருக்கு மாலையிட்டுவிட்டு  பெருந்திரளாய் கூட்டம் ஜோசியன் வாயிலில் ! கலாமின் கனவுகளை நினைவாக்க  கண்மணிகள் மூழ்கினர் முகப்புத்தகத்தில் ! 'அம்மா'வின் மரணம்  அலைஅலையாய்  போலிக்கண்ணீர் ! மலர்வளையங்களில் மட்டுமே மரியாதை ! அழுகையால் மட்டுமே அஞ்சலி ! கண்ணியமிலா கதறல் ! நாடகம் தான் இரங்கல் ! மாண்டோருடன் மறங்களும் , மண்ணுள்ளே மக்கிக் கிடக்கையில்... மாயத்தோற்றங்களால் ஆன குறும்படம்  மக்களின் மனத்திரையில் !

Happy Birthday ALERT!!

You don't really have to know a friend from their birth or childhood, to know that, he /she is a gift to this world and going places, and that you hope to ride along with them as long as possible... That's the power of meaningful friendship and that's what exactly holds me and Alert together!! So a very very happy birthday Alert! Miles to go !! :) For those, who are wondering who's this dude weirdly named as Alert, celebrating 10 years of existence, FYI : ALERT is a not for profit, non-government organization that focuses on the wellness of the society and has taken Golden Hour Care and Emergency Response Management as its core initiative. Click here to know more : Let us break down the jargons a little, Alert basically creates awareness and trains people on first aid and emergency response. It trains 'common men' and empower us to save lives!  How powerful would it feel to know that you can   Actually save lives, without b...

FrOzEn ThOuGhTs!

"Send in your best written work up until now", read the mail. She looked up into the heavens, looking back in time, to all that she has ever written. All along wondering, if good was good enough... Then it struck her! Her best work.. yeah..gotcha! But then.. she has never penned it down or typed it up!  It was her thoughts that remain frozen in mid-air and at those erratic moments , that occurred while glancing at those random strangers.., or passing through those familiar pathways.., while waiting for someone to join her.., or when she is hurrying to be on time for a meeting that has already begun..., while showering.., or while lazing around in her pajamas in bedroom.., while she is immersed in a conversation with her friends..., or having a 'Me- Moment' and gazing through the window grills.., while having her early morning blues.., or in the middle of her late-night-outs ! She felt like, they happened to her, like love- It doesn't happen when you l...

தலைப்பிட தெரியவில்லை....

தெரிந்தோ தெரியாமலோ இப்படித்தான் தலைப்ப்பிட்டு ஒரு அஞ்சலை அஞ்சலியாய் அனுப்பி இருந்தேன் நா.முத்துக்குமார் அவர்களுக்கு. மறைந்தும் நம் மனதிலிருந்து நீங்காத  அவருக்கு மறுபடியும் அதையே சமர்ப்பிக்கிறேன்! அமைதியாய் அமரராவீர்! என்று வேண்டுவேன் ஆனால் கவிஞன் மனம் என்றும் சிந்தனையில் சூழ்ந்திருக்கத்தானே செய்யும்..மாற்ற நான் யார்?? அன்பு வணக்கம்! நான் ஒரு எழுத்தாளருக்கு எழுதும் முதல் மின் அஞ்சல் இது...ஆம்! பாரதிக்கும், தாசனுக்கும்,கல்கிக்கும்,சுஜாதா வுக்கும் எழுதும் பாக்கியம் கிட்டவில்லை! எழுதும் முறைகள் நான் அறியவில்லை.. அறிந்திருந்தாலும் பின்பற்றுதல் ஐயத்துக்கு உரிய விஷயம்.. சுற்றி வளைத்தது போதுமென்று எண்ணி, இனியும் உங்கள் நேரத்தை வீன் செய்ய விருப்பமின்றி, மையக்கருத்துக்கு வந்துவிடுகிறேன். திரைப்பட பாடல்கள் மூலம்தான் நம் முதல் சந்திப்பு.. வைரமுத்து, வாலி போன்றோரோடு பாடல்களில் தமிழின் இனிமை குன்றிவிடும் என்று ஏங்கிக் கிடந்த நிலையில்.. வரமாய் உங்களையும் தாமரை அவர்களையும் தமிழ் தாய் பெற்றுக்கொண்டாள்! எங்கேயோ கேட்ட மயக்கம்...உங்கள் பாடல்கள் தந்து கொண்டு இருக்கையில..... இன்று என் நண்பன் அ...


It's a dejavu moment for all those Potterheads, when we laid our hands on the recent flick "Harry Potter and the cursed child".  There are certain books which you would like, some you would endorse, but one or very few which would make you feel that every person in this world OUGHT TO READ IT. For me that is The Harry Potter series!  Filled with excitement, hope and a tinge of skepticism (for I can't bring myself to believe that anyone, even J.K Rowling herself can produce something better than HP series), I set upon the magical journey once again! :D Before I begin to describe the book itself, it's important for me to include a preface :  Knowing the magic created by  The Harry Potter series, it is an enormous task to take upon oneself to produce a literary piece that has to live up to readers' expectations. I salute the three maestros , J.K Rowling, Jack Thorne & John Tiffany! _/\_  My special and sincere thanks to the trio, first for attempting it...

Looking forward.. History makes more sense!

Paradoxical huh? Not really! "History is more linked to the future, than it seems". Says who? Me!! Having hated history (read social science) for the significant part of my life (almost my entire school and college life! Partly because it was nearly impossible for me to get the facts like dates, names and places right which meant I had to study hard and partly due to the series of stern teachers that taught the subject), gradually now I have come to realise that it might entirely not be a waste of time to study and understand history.     History is useful. Not because it allows us to take pride in the success and heroics of our forefathers (seems less logical, as our birth is a mere game of chance), or establish superiority over other 'groups' (just because the generation(s) before us did the same, leaving behind the question "is it reasonable?"), or take undue advantage in the current society due to the fact that our forefathers were treated unjust...


PROLOGUE: When I was sharing my blog in one of those Whatsapp groups (street friends'group- the primary usage of which is to pull each other's legs), the following conversation came up. Sai: Hey! Look @ Maha, writing blog and all !  @ Ash- Even you are quite good at English and update nice and lengthy statuses on FB. Why don't you also start your blog? (My mind voice : Seriously ? If you get a lot of likes on your statuses , you get qualified to write articles and start a blog? Great! Let's see how Ash responds!) Ash: Blog is for vetti people da (no offence) . I have a photography page , there are enough fans right now! (@ this point I am unable to hold it anymore ) Me :    And about writers being perceived as "vetti".  Stay tuned to my blog.. To get an answer Ash:  Dare not, make a post outta my idea! Me : Don't worry will give you due credits!  But when it comes to general misconception I guess I have a moral obligation to clarify...


Disclaimer: This post is not intended to hurt the feelings of any individual / group and is not directed at any particular individual / group. And the views expressed here are generic and there are bound to be exceptions. It is no surprise that a radical girl be a feminist. Right? As a matter of fact, I am not proud of being one, but I will be proud to be a part of a society where Feminism is unnecessar y. Why am I now telling the world am a feminist now? I have my own reasons. I found the following message being circulated on Whatsapp, and when you read it you will find my reason : "A heart touching message..... by a woman..." Some one asked her.......Are you a working woman or a house-wife ?? She replied : Yes I am a full time working house-wife. I work 24 hours a day.....I'm a "mum", I'm a wife, I'm a daughter, I'm a daughter-in-law.....I'm an Alarm clock, I'm a Cook, I'm a Maid, I'm a Teacher, I'm a waiter, I'm...


Dear Fellas! Greetings! First of all my sincere apologies for abandoning my niche for quite sometime.. Didn't realize that I had been away for almost an year! until now! Secondly, if anyone was concerned and bothered to knock this door- Thank you! :) Next time you won't be disappointed! It's been a while since we heard from each other! ;) And it's good to be back! And for those who thought they were better off, without me annoying  them.. I regret having given you the temporary pleasure! ;) :) Now, for those who were wondering why I absconded the blog.. What can I say? Laziness... obviously! ;( (Wouldn't you guys slay me, if I told I were busy? :p) And on my defense, I thought I had to know more before I can talk more.. And obviously I didn't want to write about stuff when I haven't even made up my mind on  what stand to take! Also gain more experience, expertise and maturity! Ok! I know what the obvious question will be, at this juncture.. "...