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   If you are wondering what new I have got to say about the Iraq or Palestine issues, am sorry to disappoint you. I have only heard of wars in news or in history books but have won and learnt from (losing is really not in my dictionary ;) ), a lot of battles. Not just me, most people out there have never seen wars but have sustained a numerous life battles. Yeah! this is a tribute to all those who never care to fit in the box!

     Life is not a cake walk. Not even to the richest , most privileged and most fortunate! All of us face our own battles. But to fight as a warrior or to give up like a common man is upto an individual. For It is our choices that show what we truly are... far more than our abilities. In every choice you make in your life lies the real you. Most people choose the road already taken, to conform by the rules the society impose on them. A few question them and fewer stand up for themselves. Anywhere in the world, any liberal, logical  or creative thought is discouraged at first. The world is filled with stupid people who neither question anything or anyone, nor let others do the same. If you are a non-conformist you form and join a group of minority and we know how much respect minority receives. Most people are selfish. By selfish I don't refer to the ones who want to lead their lives as they wish. Instead I blame those who want others to lead the lives as they wish, Especially in a country like India where an individual is tied down through several knots( I just lost count how many :/) , logic and reasoning are almost banned. You let your parents live your life and then start living your children's lives! You teach what to think instead of how to think! You form an educational system that doesn't let students do anything but cram formulas and theories and yet you look for creative ones in the recruitment. You could easily donate to temple rather than to an unfortunate person! You could easily be cheated by God than humans! You give rights to your daughter, sister, girlfriend or wife to live as they wish (As if they don't have their right to life??!!)! Yes! Its a strange land where normalcy is overrated and success is considered to be more important than happiness. Amongst these so called normal people, live those abnormal idiots who want to know the reason behind every rule and practice being followed. And those idiots are continuously mocked and knocked down by the majority. And here we have been living in a democratic country for over 64 years(from 1950) thinking democracy as the rule of majority and not bothered about Equal representation.
    But even in such perilous times, where humans are digging their own graves with hatred, superstition, greediness and numerous other evil tools, some of us have sustained the idiocy around us and are ready to keep our minds open. Some have actually managed to understand that life is too short and precious to live within circles and boxes, and are ready to learn from everyone, respect humanity and be nothing but Original! The society judges a fish by its ability to climb a tree and makes every fish believe that it is a fool. But there are those rare and few golden fishes which realize their talent to swim and prove it to the society. Those brave golden fishes are the peaceful warriors! And in those hands lie the future of the mankind! :)


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