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    Probably after too much food for thought, here are few thoughts on food! :) No! No! Don't get me wrong.. Am no dietitian and I have no intention on delivering an essay about healthy food habits. On the contrary I would like to relish and relive the tasty moments along with you all! A wise man once said  " The  way to a man's heart is through his stomach". Am not sure if it was true for all men, nor do I care. But if you are looking for the way to my heart its definitely through my stomach! ;) Am not even slightly perturbed when my friends tease about me being heavy. Am a food lover and I have no intentions of hiding it! 

      Being a vegetarian by birth as well as choice has not diminished my choice for good food. I am forced to admit one of the best thing about being Tam-Brahm (atleast according to me) is the-state-of-the-art meals that one gets to eat daily! Be it the 'onion-less' veththa kozhambu and paal payasam that my mom has mastered over the years, or the first class spicy pickles and podis  that stand testimony to the decades that the dear grannies have spent toiling in the kitchens or the trendy North Indian dishes by the wonderful aunts, that I could easily vote for the innovations of the century (trust me am not exaggerating!), I don't think one can ask for more flavors at home! But unfortunately my love for food is quite insatiable and naturally I look for what the outside world has to offer me. And Chennai has been really lavish about its offerings! Not that I do not enjoy a dinner at a classy restaurant but I don't want to advertise and fill the already overflowing cash boxes of the rich men. Instead I am obliged to mention the small but mouth watering outlets of the city. How will I ever begin to thank its kindness for savoring me the best milagai bajjis along with the cool breeze of its beach?? Will I ever get over the blissful relationships with the local bread talks and corner chat shops?? I dare not try and stay away from the ice-cream parlors whatever be the season! What will we do if not for the juice shops and soda stalls that quench our thirst on hot days?? Chinese noodles or the Italian macroni who can ever beat our world class fast food centers? ;) And I will only be damned if I fail to mention the pizza houses (not that they don't make much money but they are every bit tasty). 
   When some say "You cant buy happiness", I really feel like retorting back saying "You haven't really bought samosas and hot chai on a rainy day have you?".  There is no love sincerer than the love of food. There is no celebration that is complete without food. And there is no girl who wouldn't fall for a box of chocolates! ;) Its really a pity that eating is not as appreciated as cooking! I could write on and on about the art of eating if not for the tea break I have to take... ;)



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