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My Chennai!

Even though it is in my not-so-good English, I have a short birthday wish for the city that is close to my heart! Namma Chennai Chancey ila!! :D

Here is a little tribute-           for the city,
that never fails to contribute!

Chennai or Madras, whatever you call,
It will never let you fall!

Walking alongside the shores of the beach,
We feel success is well within reach!

Enlightenment begins at!
Connemara is for you to browse!

Celebrating everyday with funfilled night life!
And wake up to the chores that are rife!

Midst the crowd that rush,
The city always feel afresh!

Ultimate masala and glitz in Kollyood!
Unlimited meals are always supergood!

Climate and gals here, are too hot!
Whatever you ask, we have got!

If you choose to stay, it is the sweetest home!
If you leave, you will only long to come!

Chennai is the best in all the worlds!
To praise it, am short of words!



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